Lifetime Fluency

An American organisation that looked for ways to offer an online service during covid 19. I was hired as a freelance UX researcher to deliver a research report for the lead designer of the company.

Business case

Speech therapy is based on human contact which seems impossible to deliver online. Lifetime fluency finds itself in a position where the needs are high with children not able to interact with each other and therapy becomes hard to offer as therapists cannot meet patients directly.

problem statement of the speech therapist
speech therapist persona made for lifetime fluency


Keeping attention from patients and explaining complicated mouth movements is a challenge. Thanks to interviews with speech therapists and watching videos from patients. I found out that a simple video solution was not enough. 


Allows therapists to integrate speech exercises and actionable mouth cards for better interactivity. A simple exercise can be created by uploading a picture, adding words that would need to be repeated and in which the therapist has full control of the points and timing. With a little mouth card, the therapist can show a drawing of how to do a specific sound clearly without needing a camera.

ux flow and wireframe made for lifetime fluency

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